Category Archives: Blog

The word Endurance gets thrown around a lot but… do you really know what it even means?

Energy System Development AKA Conditioning

Energy System Development (Conditioning)

  • ESD methods are incorporated throughout the training program.
  • ESD training enables athletes to work and compete at a higher level.
  • ESD is the ability to tolerate a workload and recover from that workload.
  • The goal of ESD is to build a strong foundation of general fitness that has a specific transfer to the sport. 




  • The ability to tolerate a high workload
  • The ability to recover from the workload sufficiently for the
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Even though the lateral band walking exercise looks pretty strange (and feels strange at first), this exercise is a perfect way to improve hip stability, strengthen the hip abductors — particularly the glute medius — and increase stability of the knee joint.

As a part of a warm up routine, lateral band walking engages many of the deep muscles that are involved in stabilization of the pelvis. Doing this before working out can help improve hip stability and knee joint stabilization. This, in turn, improves overall body mechanics and movement efficiency during a workout or competition. This preparation is particularly … Read More